Coaching isn't just assigning numbers, creating accountability and helping you lose weight…

It's about learning you as a person, Understanding your history, customizing your experience and addressing the underlying reasons you hired a coach in the first place

No foods off limits No cheat days No unnecessary restriction No tracking forever

Improve your relationship with food, your body and weight loss

Try something new

If you’re here, you’ve probably been stuck trying the same things over and over. Working together as a team allows us to find what does work for you, long-term, so you can go about your life without choosing between strict diets or unhappiness with your body. Losing weight is one thing, gaining confidence in your ability to keep it off without feeling trapped by dieting is another.

You are unique - it matters!

Many programs can offer you macros, a plan, and can likely help you reach your goals for weight loss. The missing factors are usually the incorporation of your unique history/needs and the ability to help you keep the weight off without forever being tied to counting macros and calories. These things matter and my goal for all clients is to not only help them reach a physical goal, but a mental one as well….one that will stick!


Tier 1 Coaching

This is the most hands-on coaching option. You will get 1:1 attention and a plan completely personalized to you, your goals, your history, etc. This is the ideal choice for someone who really needs the accountability and deep dive into mindset, habits and history to succeed. In this option you will have full messaging access to Mikayla M-F and weekly in-depth check-ins with thoughtful responses.
Cost: $250/month, 3 month commitment
Discounts are available, please ask!


Middle Ground

This is one step down from Tier 1. This is the ideal choice for someone who has had successful in the coaching in the past, but needs extra accountability, a custom plan and some cheering. You may not need the deep dive and in-depth coaching that Tier 1 offers making this a great middle ground choice. You will have full messaging access to Mikayla M-F and bi-weekly in-depth check-ins with thoughtful responses.
Cost: $200/month, 3 month commitment
Discounts are available, please ask!


Macros Only

This is a great option for those who have the mental side of nutrition and body image figured out, but want a plan and custom macros to follow. Someone who chooses this plan may not need any accountability, just the calculations and a plan to follow.  In this option you will get a phone call with Mikayla to discuss your history and goals and receive back a plan, habits and macros as discussed on the call.
Cost: $100, one-time payment
15% off a coaching package if you choose to apply later



Meet Mikayla

Mikayla is a certified nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition. She has been coaching for over 5 years and has helped more than 150 people find freedom from yo-yo diets, MLMs, stress around food and negative body image.
She herself had struggled with fad diets, poor body image, disordered eating and weight gain/loss. After finding her way to the other side, she knew she wanted to do the same for others and pursued a certification and internship. Partnering her own experience, education, expertise and passion is what gives each of her clients the well-rounded approach they deserve from a coach they are investing in. 
Mikayla works with people from all walks of life, but her most popular clientele are the people who live normal, busy lives and don’t necessarily have a lot of time to dedicate to themselves. As a working mom herself, Mikayla understands the struggles of not having enough time in the day, navigating around calls and work schedules and the wrenches motherhood/postpartum can throw at you.
She prides herself in having a small client load so she can give full attention to each of her clients and ensure their experience is personalized, hands-on and a relationship.
When Mikayla isn’t coaching you can find her working in corporate America, hiking/being outside with her family, lifting, reading and traveling to see friends.